Looking to migrate from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365: Dos and don’ts!

April 17, 2023

Migrating from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 can provide your organization with an array of benefits, including enhanced functionality, better integration, and access to cutting-edge technologies. However, transitioning from one platform to another can be a complex and challenging process.

To help you navigate this journey, we have compiled a list of dos and don’ts to migrate from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 successfully.

Do: Conduct a thorough assessment of your current system

Before embarking on the migration process, assessing your current Dynamics AX system, including its functionality, data quality, and customizations is crucial. This assessment will help you identify any gaps, inefficiencies, or opportunities for improvement that can be addressed during the migration to Dynamics 365.

Don’t: Skip the assessment stage and jump straight into the migration process. This can lead to unforeseen challenges and complications that could have been avoided with proper planning and analysis.

Do: Develop a comprehensive migration plan

A well-defined migration plan is essential to transition from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 successfully. Outline the goals and objectives of your migration, identify the necessary resources, and establish a realistic timeline for the project. This plan should also address data migration, customizations, integrations, and user training.

Don’t: Proceed without a clear plan in place. This can lead to confusion, delays, and potential issues during the migration process. Instead, choose professional Microsoft Dynamics 365 Upgrade services to develop a successful migration plan.

Do: Engage key stakeholders throughout the process

Involving key stakeholders from across your organization, such as IT, finance, sales, customer service, and operations, is essential for ensuring buy-in and alignment with your migration plan. In addition, engaging these stakeholders early in the process can help identify potential challenges, gather valuable input, and facilitate a smoother transition.

Don’t: Exclude important stakeholders from the process. This can lead to a lack of buy-in, resistance to change, and potential issues during implementation.

Do: Choose the appropriate Dynamics 365 edition and licensing model

Selecting the right Dynamics 365 edition and licensing model for your organization is crucial for maximizing the value of your investment. Review the various application offerings, editions, and licensing options, and choose the one that best aligns with your business needs and budget.

Don’t: Make hasty decisions regarding the Dynamics 365 edition and licensing model. This can lead to unnecessary costs and limit the potential benefits of your migration.

Do: Test the new system thoroughly

Before going live with your Dynamics 365 implementation, it’s essential to thoroughly test the system to ensure it meets your business requirements and performs as expected. Conduct tests, including functional, performance, and security testing, to identify any issues or potential risks.

Don’t: Rush the testing process or overlook potential issues. This can lead to problems during the implementation stage and negatively impact user adoption and satisfaction.

Do: Invest in training and change management

Successful migration from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 requires a technical transition and a cultural shift for your organization. Therefore, investing in training and change management is essential to ensure your team is equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to use the new system effectively.

Don’t: Neglect training and change management efforts. This can lead to resistance to change, low user adoption, and reduced efficiency in using the new system.

Do: Prepare for data migration challenges

Data migration is critical to transitioning from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365. Be prepared to deal with potential data migration challenges, such as data quality issues, inconsistencies, or missing information. Develop a data migration strategy that outlines the data to be migrated, the tools and methods you’ll use, and any necessary data transformations or mappings.

Don’t: Underestimate the complexity of data migration. Never leave it until the last minute. This can lead to delays, data loss, or inaccuracies in the new system.

Do: Consider a phased rollout

A phased rollout of your Dynamics 365 implementation can minimize disruption to your business and allow you to address any issues or challenges as they arise. Consider implementing the system in stages, focusing on specific applications or business areas before expanding to others.

Don’t: Attempt to roll out the entire Dynamics 365 system all at once. This can lead to increased risk, significant disruption, and a more challenging transition for your organization.

Do: Monitor and optimize the system post-migration

After your Dynamics 365 implementation goes live, it’s crucial to monitor its performance and gather end-user feedback to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Then, continuously refine and optimize the system to ensure it remains aligned with your business needs and delivers maximum value.

Don’t: Assume that the migration process is complete once the system goes live. Ongoing monitoring and optimization are essential for realizing the full benefits of Dynamics 365 and ensuring a successful transition.

Do: Seek expert assistance

Migrating from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 can be a complex process, and seeking expert assistance can help ensure a smooth and successful transition. Dynamics 365 partners and consultants have extensive experience and expertise in implementing and supporting the system and can provide valuable guidance and support throughout your migration journey.

Don’t: Attempt to manage the entire migration process in-house. Seeking expert advice is always important. This can lead to unforeseen challenges, increased risk, and potential delays in the migration process.


Migrating from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 offers numerous benefits for your organization, but it’s essential to approach the process with proper planning, thorough testing, and adherence to best practices. By following these dos and don’ts, your organization can enjoy a smooth transition from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 and unlock the full potential of this powerful platform.

At Confiz, we specialize in Dynamics 365 migrations and can help your organization plan a smooth journey. Contact us today at marketing@confiz.com for a free migration assessment and learn how we can help you maximize your Dynamics 365 investment.