Retail reinvented: The magic moments in the life of a Gen-AI empowered retail employee

August 20, 2024

Over the past few decades, we’ve witnessed a series of digital and data-driven transformations that have redefined how consumers shop, retailers operate, and marketers connect with their audiences. Today, we are on the verge of another profound evolution: the rise and widespread adoption of generative AI (Gen-AI).

Generative AI in retail unlocks valuable opportunities across the entire value chain, from dynamically optimizing product assortments and store layouts to delivering unparalleled levels of personalization in customer experiences. According to McKinsey, retail and consumer packaged goods organizations can expect a 1.2 to 2 percent increase in productivity by leveraging generative AI, resulting in an estimated value of $400 to $660 billion.

How generative AI is changing the future of work?

Generative AI is already reshaping industries by enhancing human capabilities and productivity. But its impact goes beyond just boosting efficiency; it prompts a comprehensive rethinking of the nature of work, the roles within the workforce, and the societal frameworks that support them.

This innovation benefits both technical and non-technical employees, with far-reaching implications across various roles and functions. The integration of generative AI will see the evolution of roles for Product Designers, Merchandisers, Supply Planners, Store Associates, Store Managers, Marketers, Customer Service Agents, and Logistics Managers in e-commerce are just some of the professionals who will see their roles evolve through the integration of generative AI.

According to McKinsey, as workers increasingly leverage generative AI for repetitive tasks, the importance of human-centric skills like critical thinking and decision-making will only grow.

Here’s a look at the distribution of workers by category and percentage, illustrating the shift in skills and tasks driven by AI advancements.

In the following sections of the blog, we will delve into how generative AI is poised to transform the key moments in the work life of prominent roles within the retail sector. These include Product Designers, Merchandisers, Supply Planners, Store Associates, Store Managers, Marketers, Customer Service Agents, and Logistics Managers, we will uncover how this technology enhances their day-to-day operations.

From streamlining product design and optimizing inventory to personalizing customer interactions and improving logistical efficiency, Gen-AI is set to redefine how these professionals approach their tasks.

Magic moments in the life of a Gen-AI empowered employee: Gen AI applications

When it comes to the application of Generative AI in retail employee’s work day, life is filled with numerous magic moments that enhance productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. Here are a few highlights for each role mentioned earlier:

Product designers

Product designers can leverage Gen-AI to quickly prototype and iterate designs, tailoring products to evolving consumer trends and preferences with unprecedented precision.

Here is a sneak peek into the contrast between life before and after the application of Gen AI along with its business impact:

Key Activity Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Concept generation Designers sketched and iterated on concepts, often taking weeks. AI generates and visualizes multiple design options in minutes. Image generation, AI design tools Significantly reduced time to market, faster design iterations. 
Predicting design success Success of designs was often gauged through market testing after launch. Gen-AI predicts potential success, tailoring product design using market trends and historical data before launch. Data aggregation, predictive analytics Reduced risk of product failure, higher success rate for new designs. 
Incorporating customer feedback into design Designers manually reviewed customer feedback and made incremental changes over time. Gen-AI analyzes and summarizes customer feedback, instantly incorporating it into the design process. Content summarization, Data analysis Faster response to customer needs, more customer-centric designs. 


With Generative AI capabilities, merchandisers will be equipped with insights that help them better understand customer needs across diverse geographies. This will help them create dynamic merchandising strategies and product assortments that continuously drive growth and improve shopper experiences.

Here is a contrast between the life of a merchandiser before and after Gen AI application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Optimizing product assortment and merchandizing Merchandisers manually sifted through data and used pre-configured dashboards to gain insights. Gen-AI analyzes sales, customer behavior, and market trends in real-time to generate optimal assortments. Data analysis, predictive analytics Continuous optimization of product range, increased sales and customer satisfaction. 
Negotiating with vendors Negotiations relied on static data and manual insights, leading to inconsistent outcomes. Gen-AI provides dynamic, data-driven insights and summaries for informed vendor negotiations. Data summarization, predictive analytics Improved negotiation terms, reduced costs, and better vendor relationships. 
Analyzing failing product lines Product line failures were analyzed through manual correlation of diverse data sets. Gen-AI performs root cause analysis by correlating multiple data sources to pinpoint reasons for failure. Data analysis, Root Cause Analysis, Using LLM to convert reasons of failures into a narrative Faster identification and remediation of issues, reducing losses and improving product performance. 
Selecting new products Product selection was based on historical data and intuition, with limited real-time insights. Gen-AI evaluates historical sales data and customer feedback to recommend high-potential products. Predictive analytics, content analysis Data-driven product selection, reduced risk of poor performance, better alignment with customer preferences 

Supply planners

Generative AI’s use among supply planners includes optimizing inventory levels and accurately anticipating demand fluctuations. Moreover, it also involves creating allocation and replenishment plans that ensure seamless product availability while minimizing costs and reducing waste across the supply chain.

Here is a contrast between the life of a supply planner before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Demand forecasting  Demand forecasts were based only on historical sales data and often inaccurate. AI analyzes multiple contextual data points for precise demand forecasting. Predictive analytics, data aggregation Reduced stockouts and overstock, optimized inventory levels.    
Real-time supply chain optimization Supply chain adjustments were reactive and often delayed. AI optimizes supply chain operations in real-time, adjusting to disruptions Gen-AI Insights generation, real-time analytics Improved supply chain resilience, reduced delays and costs 
Vendor collaboration enhancement Negotiations were based on static data and manual insights. AI provides dynamic, data-driven insights for better vendor negotiations. Gen-AI summarization, automatic reporting Stronger vendor relationships, more favorable contract terms. 

Store associates

Retail store associates can harness generative AI to access real-time information and receive personalized recommendations. The generative AI in retail stores enhances customer interactions and drives sales by providing more informed, engaging, and tailored assistance.

Here is a contrast between the life of a store associate before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Real-time product insights Product knowledge relied on static training and memory. AI provides instant, personalized product insights and recommendations based on real-time data. Real-time data analysis, LLM-based recommendations Enhanced customer service, higher sales through personalized recommendations. 
Onboarding and upskilling New hires underwent lengthy, manual training processes and often relied on outdated materials. Gen-AI delivers personalized training and upskilling programs tailored to each employee’s role and learning pace. Content generation, adaptive learning Faster onboarding, continuous skill development, and improved employee performance. 
Restocking, following VM Guidelines Restocking was based on manual checks and static visual merchandising (VM) guidelines. AI monitors inventory levels and visual merchandising adherence, automatically recommending restocking actions. Real-time inventory tracking, AI-driven VM Analysis Optimized inventory management, better adherence to VM guidelines, and reduced out-of-stock scenarios. 

Store managers

With the use of Generative AI, store managers will be enabled to make data-driven decisions on store operations, staffing, and merchandising. This will lead to improved efficiency, increased sales, and higher customer satisfaction.

Here is a contrast between the life of a store manager before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Staff scheduling Scheduling was done manually or with basic software, often leading to inefficient shifts and over/under staffing. AI optimizes staff schedules based on real-time sales data, foot traffic, and employee availability. Predictive analytics, Real-time data analysis Reduced labor costs, improved staffing efficiency, and better alignment with peak business hours. 
Task dissemination Tasks were assigned manually, often leading to miscommunication and inconsistent completion. AI automates task assignment and tracks completion status, ensuring clear communication and accountability. Task management automation, real-time tracking Improved task efficiency, clearer communication, and better adherence to deadlines. 
Analyzing business performance data Business performance analysis was done manually, often resulting in delayed insights and slower decision-making. AI provides real-time, actionable insights by analyzing comprehensive business data across various sources. Data analysis, predictive analytics Faster decision-making, enhanced strategic planning, and more accurate performance evaluations. 

Retail marketing teams

The benefits of Generative AI in retail marketing have been profound. Marketing teams in retail will see huge shifts in how they generate, distribute, and personalize their content. This will transform customer experiences and how retail brands market themselves and their products.

Here is a contrast between the life of a marketing team in retail before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Hyper-personalized campaigns Campaigns were often generic, with limited personalization based on broad customer segments. AI creates hyper-personalized campaigns tailored to individual customer preferences and behavior in real-time. Data analysis, content generation Increased engagement and conversion rates through highly relevant content. 
Automated content creation Content creation was manual and time-consuming, often requiring multiple revisions and approvals. AI generates content automatically based on customer data and campaign goals, streamlining the creation process. Content generation, Natural Language Processing Faster content creation, consistent messaging, and reduced operational costs. 
Real-time campaign adjustment Adjustments to campaigns were based on periodic reviews and delayed data, leading to missed opportunities. AI analyzes real-time performance data to automatically adjust and optimize campaigns for better results. Real-time data analysis, predictive analytics Enhanced campaign effectiveness through timely adjustments and optimization. 
Building insight-driven customer journeys Customer journeys were mapped manually, often relying on fragmented data sources and limited insights. AI analyzes customer journeys at scale, integrating campaign performance and sales data to map out optimal journeys. Data integration, predictive analytics Improved customer experience and increased ROI through data-driven journey optimization. 

Customer service agents

Through the power of Generative AI in customer service, customer service agents can now engage with customers in entirely new ways. This allows them to gain valuable time to focus on resolving the most complex and demanding customer cases. As a result, they improve overall service quality and enhance customer loyalty.

Here is a contrast between the life of a customer service agent before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
AI-assisted issue resolution Customer service agents resolved issues based on static knowledge and manual troubleshooting. AI provides real-time assistance by suggesting solutions and automating responses based on historical data and context. Natural Language Processing, data analysis Faster resolution times, improved accuracy of responses, and enhanced customer satisfaction. 
Proactive customer support Support was reactive, addressing issues only after customers reached out or problems were identified. AI anticipates potential issues and reaches out proactively to customers with solutions or preventive measures. Predictive analytics, automated alerts Reduced customer complaints, increased customer loyalty, and improved overall service quality. 
Complex case focus Agents spent significant time on routine inquiries, leaving less time for complex cases. AI handles routine queries and provides agents with in-depth insights and recommendations for complex cases. Data analysis, AI-driven recommendations More efficient use of time, better handling of complex cases, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities. 
Strengthening the knowledge base Knowledge base updates were manual and slow, often leading to outdated or incomplete information. AI continuously updates the knowledge base by analyzing new data, interactions, and emerging trends. Content generation, data aggregation More accurate and up-to-date information, leading to improved support and training resources. 

Logistics managers (E-commerce)

Logistics managers can leverage generative AI to streamline labor scheduling, optimize delivery routes, forecast potential disruptions, and ensure on-time deliveries. As a result, this advancement enhances customer satisfaction while minimizing operational costs.

Here is a contrast between the life of an ecommerce logistics manager before and after Gen AI’s application and its business impact:

Moment Before Gen-AI With Gen-AI Enabling Tech Business Impact 
Predictive delivery routing Routing was based on historical data and static algorithms, often leading to inefficiencies and delays. AI uses real-time data and predictive analytics to optimize delivery routes and anticipate potential delays. Predictive analytics, real-time data analysis Faster and more efficient deliveries, reduced shipping costs, and improved customer satisfaction. 
Inventory allocation optimization Inventory allocation was managed manually or with basic tools, often resulting in overstocking or stockouts. AI optimizes inventory distribution across warehouses based on demand forecasts, sales trends, and real-time data. Data analysis, demand forecasting Enhanced inventory management, reduced excess stock, and minimized stockouts. 
Real-time logistics monitoring Logistics monitoring relied on periodic updates and manual tracking, which could delay responses to issues. AI provides continuous, real-time monitoring of logistics operations, identifying and addressing issues as they arise. Real-time data analysis, automated alerts Improved operational efficiency, faster issue resolution, and more reliable delivery performance. 

Moving forward, this groundbreaking technology will influence virtually every aspect of retail operations and the shopper’s experience. Retailers that fully embrace these advancements will secure a sustainable competitive advantage, driving innovation and efficiency across their businesses.

However, success with Gen-AI demands more than incremental adoption; it requires a comprehensive strategy that enhances human capabilities rather than replacing them. Therefore, retailers must equip their teams with the tools and skills needed to integrate AI responsibly and effectively. AI-enabled, AI-first, and AI-native enterprises will define the future of retail. The time is now to prepare for this seismic shift, leverage user-centric AI applications, and position your organization as a leader in the evolving retail landscape.

Transform your retail operations with Generative AI

Embrace the transformative power of generative AI in retail and elevate your operations to new heights. At Confiz, we specialize in kickstarting your generative AI journey by developing customized Gen AI conversational chatbot tailored to your data and business needs.

Join us for an 8-week Proof of Concept (PoC) to explore how generative AI can revolutionize your retail strategy. Contact us today at to learn more about how we can assist you in harnessing the full potential of this groundbreaking technology.