Fintech frontier: Exploring the trending technology innovations in the financial services industry

July 21, 2023

Banks and financial institutions worldwide are currently facing significant challenges arising from outdated legacy systems and growing regulatory pressures. However, agile and innovative fintech start-ups have already started refining their services to offer customers improved financial experiences. Consequently, traditional financial institutions must take proactive measures to adopt future-proof technologies and innovate.

The success of fintech businesses relies on their ability to embrace disruption proactively and stay at the forefront of emerging trends. While many industries have experienced transformative changes, the Financial Services Industry (FSI) has been relatively slow in adapting to the evolving landscape. According to Gartner research, by the year 2030, approximately 80% of traditional financial institutions will either disappear, be commoditized, or end up in a state of stagnation often referred to as “zombie status.”  

The Financial Services Industry must cultivate a culture of innovation and embrace the evolving digital trends to proactively address potential challenges and remain relevant and influential. As we delve into the cutting-edge technological innovations in financial services that are reshaping the industry’s tech landscape, we will discover how these advancements are instrumental in shaping the future of the financial sector.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are a great technology innovation in financial services. Banks and financial institutions are deploying AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to enhance customer service, automate routine inquiries, and provide personalized recommendations.  

ML algorithms are also utilized for credit scoring, fraud detection, risk assessment, and investment prediction, allowing financial institutions to make data-driven decisions and improve operational efficiency. Moreover, they help in:

  • Regulatory compliance: AI and ML can help financial institutions ensure compliance with regulations by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns of non-compliance and suspicious activities.
  • Portfolio management: AI and ML algorithms can analyze market data, customer preferences, and risk profiles to provide tailored investment advice, optimize portfolio allocation, and support wealth management.
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML): AI and ML can assist in identifying suspicious transactions and patterns that may indicate money laundering activities, enhancing AML efforts and strengthening financial security.
  • Market analysis and predictive analytics: AI and ML can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and other relevant data to provide insights for strategic decision-making, product development, and marketing strategies in financial services.

Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT)

Blockchain technology has gained traction in the financial sector and become one of the prominent financial IT innovations in technology. Its decentralized and transparent nature enables secure and efficient transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and enhancing trust. Blockchain is utilized for digital currencies, smart contracts, and helps with:

  • Supply chain finance: Blockchain and DLT can provide transparency and traceability in supply chain transactions, reducing fraud, enhancing supply chain efficiency, and enabling faster financing for suppliers based on verifiable data.
  • Tokenization and digital assets: Blockchain and DLT enable the tokenization of assets, representing them as digital tokens on the blockchain. This opens new possibilities for fractional ownership, liquidity, and transferability of assets, such as real estate, artwork, and financial instruments.
  • Cross-border transactions: Blockchain and DLT can facilitate faster and more secure cross-border transactions by eliminating the need for multiple intermediaries, reducing settlement times, and providing real-time visibility into transaction status.
  • Data sharing and collaboration: Blockchain and DLT provide a distributed and secure platform for data sharing and collaboration among multiple parties, enabling consortiums and networks to share data and streamline processes while maintaining data privacy and security.

Furthermore, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is facilitating the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, enabling peer-to-peer lending, decentralized exchanges, and programmable financial instruments.  

Financial super apps

Financial super apps are comprehensive mobile applications that offer various financial services and functionalities within a single platform. They integrate various financial products and services, such as banking, payments, investments, insurance, budgeting, and more, into one user-friendly application. Originally popularized in Asia, super financial apps have gained global recognition and rapidly changed how individuals manage their finances. Here’s how they help the fintech businesses.

  • Collaboration opportunities: Super apps collaborate with fintech firms, expanding their offerings and granting access to a larger customer base and resources.
  • Data insights: Financial super apps gather user data, providing valuable insights for fintech businesses to enhance products and services.
  • Competitive advantage: Featured on super apps, fintech firms gain a competitive edge by leveraging the app’s popularity and user base, driving market share and growth prospects.
  • Improved customer acquisition: Financial super apps attract users, an attractive platform for fintech businesses to gain new customers, boosting traction and recognition.

Robotic process automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation is streamlining repetitive and rule-based tasks in financial services. RPA software robots can perform tasks such as data entry, reconciliation, compliance checks, and report generation quickly and accurately.  

By automating these processes, financial institutions can reduce costs, improve operational efficiency, and free up human resources for more complex and value-added activities. It includes benefits such as:

  • Cost reduction: By automating manual tasks, RPA technology helps financial institutions reduce operational costs. It eliminates the need for manual data entry, manual file processing, and manual document retrieval, leading to significant cost savings over time.  
  • Process streamlining: RPA can streamline end-to-end processes in financial services. It can integrate multiple systems and applications, enabling seamless data transfer and process handoffs. This integration eliminates manual intervention or switching between systems, resulting in streamlined and optimized workflows.  
  • scalability: RPA technology allows financial institutions to scale their operations quickly and efficiently. As business demands fluctuate, RPA robots can be easily deployed or scaled down as needed, providing the flexibility to handle increased volumes without extensive hiring or training of human employees.

Internet of things (IoT)

The Internet of Things has created new opportunities in financial services. For example, IoT devices can collect real-time data from various sources, such as wearables, vehicles, and sensors. This data can be leveraged for insurance underwriting, personalized pricing, and risk management.  

For example, insurers can offer usage-based insurance policies by monitoring driving behaviors through IoT- enabled telematics devices. IoT also enables secure and seamless payments through connected devices, expanding the scope of mobile banking and contactless payments. Moreover, it contains benefits like:

  • Enhanced data collection and analysis: Financial institutions can gather real-time data from connected devices, allowing for better risk assessment, fraud detection, and more informed decision-making.  
  • Improved customer experience: IoT enables personalized and context-aware services, improving customer engagement and satisfaction by offering tailored product recommendations, proactive customer support, and custom financial solutions.
  • Risk management and asset tracking: IoT aids financial institutions in risk management by providing real-time data on asset conditions, supply chains, and environmental factors. This enables proactive risk mitigation, predictive maintenance, and efficient asset tracking, improving operational efficiency in insurance, lending, and asset management.  

Cloud computing

Cloud computing has become the backbone of technological advancements in financial services. It offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and accessibility to vast amounts of data. Financial institutions leverage cloud services for data storage, infrastructure management, and software deployment.  

In addition, cloud-based solutions enable faster product development, enhance collaboration, and support the integration of other emerging technologies, such as AI and ML.

Biometrics and authentication

Biometric authentication methods, like fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, and voice recognition, are gaining popularity in financial services. These technologies provide enhanced security and convenience, replacing traditional authentication methods like passwords or PINs.  

Biometrics are being utilized for customer onboarding, secure account access, and fraud prevention. Additionally, behavioral biometrics, which analyzes user patterns and habits, is used for continuous authentication, offering an additional layer of security.

Big data analytics

The exponential data growth has led to the rise of Big Data Analytics in financial services. Financial institutions can gain valuable insights from vast structured and unstructured data volumes by leveraging advanced analytics techniques. This enables them to make informed decisions, identify patterns, detect anomalies, and mitigate risks.  

Big Data analytics is used for customer segmentation, personalized marketing, fraud detection, and portfolio management, empowering financial institutions to deliver customized products and services.

No-code and low-code platforms

No-code and low-code platforms enable programmers and general users to create applications using graphical user interfaces and configurations, eliminating the need for traditional computer programming.  

In addition, these platforms offer intuitive tools like drag-and-drop functionality, making application development accessible to a broader range of users. They offer a range of benefits to the financial sector which include:

  • Rapid prototyping: Low code and no code platforms enable quick creation and iteration of applications for financial management.
  • Customization: Financial management teams can build tailored solutions to automate processes and track finances.
  • Process automation: Repetitive tasks in financial management can be automated, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Collaboration: Low code and no code development fosters collaboration between business users, IT teams, and developers.
  • Accessibility: Financial management professionals can create and maintain applications without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Scalability: Low-code and no-code apps can easily adapt to evolving financial management needs.

In a nutshell

Businesses thriving to become a strategic hub for innovation and financial technology must embrace technological innovation in financial services to stay competitive, deliver better services, and meet evolving customer expectations.

Some of the trending technologies include Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Financial Super Apps, Robotic Process Automation, IoT, Cloud Computing, Biometrics, Big Data Analytics, and No-code/Low-code platforms. These advancements enable faster decision-making, improved customer service, cost reduction, enhanced risk management, and seamless integration.  

So, boost your financial efficiency by contacting Confiz – your Fintech partner or write to us at so we can help you leverage these technological innovations and create better business outcomes.