USA’s largest confectionary and food business

Empowering Business Intelligence through Data Lake integration

Project Overview

Modernizing reporting and business intelligence capabilities

Confiz modernized the reporting and business intelligence system for a leading American confectionary and food products multinational brand. We seamlessly migrated multiple data sources to a centralized data lake and revamped existing reporting utilizing cutting-edge cloud solutions such as Microsoft Azure, Power BI, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Factory. Our client benefited from increased data accuracy, streamlined financial reporting, and cost reductions, all fostering data-driven decision-making. 

The need

Transforming reporting and business intelligence

A leading American multinational in confectionery and food products faced critical challenges with its reporting systems. Their existing business intelligence suite had reached the end of its lifecycle, leading to escalating costs in maintaining an outdated in-house platform. This hindered the client’s ability to effectively leverage business intelligence, ultimately impacting their reporting and decision-making capabilities. 

Furthermore, their financial department relied heavily on manual reporting processes using Excel. This resulted in unreliable data quality and inconsistencies in reporting, further undermining decision-making across the organization.   

In addition, the client’s digital commerce department struggled with accurate reporting of their sales and distribution performance indicators, for both online and in physical stores. These inefficiencies posed significant barriers to optimizing the client’s retail operations, thereby impeding overall business performance. The client sought a trusted partner to enhance their business intelligence and reporting capabilities, ensuring seamless operations. 

The Solution

Optimizing reporting and driving BI excellence with integrated Data Lake solutions

Confiz stepped up as a trusted Data and AI partner by providing consultancy services to assess the client’s existing Business Intelligence suite and address their challenges. Our solution involved migrating the client’s database and reporting processes to a centralized data lake, incorporating a suite of technologies, such as Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Databricks for compute, Azure Data Factory for orchestration, Power BI for visualizations and Great Expectations for ensuring Data Quality. This initiative aimed to establish a unified platform for robust reporting, advanced analytics, and predictive forecasting, effectively replacing legacy enterprise BI systems to streamline and optimize reporting processes.  

We automated and modernized the financial reporting system using Power BI, enhancing visualization and reporting capabilities. This transformation enabled the client to derive deeper insights from their financial data, facilitating informed decision-making. 

Furthermore, Confiz enhanced the client’s sales and distribution processes by developing over 35 customized BI reports. These reports tracked and analyzed key performance indicators (KPIs) such as net sales value of orders, shipped orders, cancellations, refunds, YOY increase or decrease of orders and demand, orders from marketplaces such as Amazon, and website traffic, etc. The comprehensive data analysis provided by these reports empowered the client to monitor performance metrics closely, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall customer experience. 

What we did

Azure CloudAzure DatabricksAzure Data FactoryMicrosoft Power BISQL ServerAzure Data LakeGreat Expectations

The Outcome

Driving operational transformation with advanced reporting and data insights

Improved data quality 

The transition to Azure and Power BI significantly improved data accuracy and reliability, minimized errors, and fortified the overall integrity of the client’s reporting system. 

Automated and enhanced financial reporting 

Automated financial reporting and modernized visualization through Power BI led to quicker insights and enhanced accuracy in financial data analysis, improving efficiency by 60%. 

Enhanced business performance through custom reporting 

Implementation of 35+ customized BI reports enabled real-time tracking of important KPIs, facilitating proactive decision-making and performance optimization. 

Optimized inventory management  

Streamlined sales and distribution, data-driven inventory analysis enabled optimized inventory levels, reducing stockouts of most in-demand items, reducing excess inventory costs. 

Reduced cost 

Automated reporting reduced operational costs associated with manual data processing and reporting tasks by 45%.  

Refined marketing strategies 

Comprehensive business performance analysis enhanced understanding of customer behavior and preferences, enabling targeted marketing campaigns and improving customer engagement and retention. 

See our strategy in action!