
Khaadi goes digital in-store 

Project Overview

Enhanced visibility and actionable insights

Khaadi partners with Confiz to digitize its store operations through Shopper Value, transforming retail excellence. They aimed to boost conversions and perfect store performance by harnessing footfall and in-store analytics. 


The need

Identifying lost opportunity

As part of their digital transformation journey, Khaadi needed a secure solution to get real-time store insights and discover lost opportunities to convert. As a result, Confiz implemented Shopper Value to enhance store efficiency and save costs. 

Key challenges  

  • Obtain real-time store insights 
  • Identify lost opportunities for conversion 
  • Enhance store efficiency 
  • Cost-saving initiatives 

The Solution

Tapping into the real potential

The solution was implemented in 40+ Khaadi stores to establish a baseline for growth. Conversion was tracked and store-wise and period-wise comparisons were made to evaluate store performance. Based on trends, clearly defined measurable goals were set for staff performance. 

Data health status was monitored to ensure real-time data availability for quicker identification of problems. Higher visibility improved focus on conversion-enhancing, objective decision-making. 

What we did

Shopper ValueFootfall analyticsDemand forecastingTrend analysisOptimal store performance

The Outcome

Enhanced focus and productivity

Set growth objectives 

The retail giant was able to define a baseline for growth. 

Improved forecasting 

Khaadi was able to predict future performance through advanced data analytics and modelling.

Improved conversion 

Implementation of Shopper Value created a favourable impact on conversion rates. 

Improved staff management 

The client was able to ensure sufficient on-store staff availability during peak footfall. 

Reduced reaction time 

The client was able to streamline response times to adapt quickly to changing situations, opportunities, or challenges. 

Operational visibility 

Khaadi got a comprehensive view of ground operations for informed decision-making and operational optimization. 

See our strategy in action!