What is personalization in digital marketing for eCommerce retailers?


The Power of Personalization in Digital Marketing for eCommerce Retailers Personalized marketing is the make and break of any eCommerce marketing strategy in today’s competitive world. As brands battle for consumer dollars, the way to win is through personalization. Consumers want to see useful and contextually relevant ads based on their interests. In simpler words, […]

Best practices for supply chain management in grocery retailing


Just because your business is not as big as Walmart’s doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from Supply Chain Management (SCM). Running out of stock is a nightmare for every retailer, regardless of the size of the business. Grocery Retail is no different. Food retail has always been a tough and turbulent market, but grocery itself […]

Multi-channel marketing: What it is and why it matters


We all know multi-channel marketing is important, but what is the reason for it? The answer is simple, so you can be where your customers are. And they are everywhere. After acknowledging that your customers exist, the next important step is understanding how they think and process things. Gone are the days when customers could […]

Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 migration: 5 steps for a successful upgrade

dynamics 365 migration

As technology evolves, so do the tools businesses need to operate. One such example is Microsoft Dynamics AX. Since mainstream support for AX ended in October 2021 and the extended support is ending soon; Microsoft will no longer provide updates or technical assistance for this software. As a result, businesses must start planning and preparing […]

ERP Implementation: Your guide to a successful ERP strategy


Many developing organizations downplay the value of spending money on software and hardware for business technology. As a result, most firms continue using their legacy ERP software or simple accounting system until a change is necessary. For businesses to thrive, their Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions must be of the highest caliber. A proper ERP system enables […]

Dynamics 365 2022 Release Wave 2: Overview and highlights


Microsoft published its release plans for Dynamics 365 Wave 1 a while back and updated to Wave 2 on July 12, 2022. These new capabilities will be available between October 2022 and March 2023. This article will dive into some of Wave 2’s general updates and then discuss what’s changed across applications. General Updates: Microsoft continues to […]

How do you select the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner?


CRM implementations can prove to be quite daunting if you do not have the right implementation partner to manage migration and other related tasks for you. There are many things that can go wrong if you are unaware of the best practices to follow. We know the huge investments into implementing CRM solutions such as Microsoft […]

Ways to turn prospects into customers using Dynamics 365 Sales and Marketing


Thanks to social media channels, businesses today have access to customer data like never before. The intelligent retail management solutions are also gathering customer data from physical and online retail stores. All this data is used to create personalized and immersive online experiences for each customer. To beat the competition, successful businesses are specializing in offering continuous […]

How to use CRM for marketing campaigns – 4 Ways in which CRM helps


Successful businesses stand on the foundations of long-lasting customer relationships that play a prominent role in the growth of an organization. Managing these efficiently and effectively is vital for businesses because acquiring a new customer is more expensive than retaining an existing one. Companies can manage their customers better and offer them optimal service by […]

How to create an email marketing list in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?


Businesses send out regular emails to their clientele in a bit to inform them about new products or services. Sometimes they also send out email newsletters to acquire new customers. To ensure that the right emails are sent to the targeted recipients, businesses need to make email marketing lists on regular basis. If you are […]