Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Transform customer service with AI-driven automation

Optimize service operations for personalized support

 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customers Service enables businesses to streamline case and knowledge management, provide personalized service with a unified view of customers, and have real-time visibility into agents’ performance with analytics and dashboards. 

Break data silos and manage multichannel conversations

Automate self-service with customer portals and virtual agents.

Empower agents with tools for efficient case resolution

Leverage AI-driven insights and analytics to boost customer satisfaction

our key capabilities

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service features and capabilities

Empower your support agents and enhance their productivity by leveraging the power of generative AI productivity tools. Provide your agents with the right information at the right time, enabling them to resolve customer inquiries more efficiently.

Empower your support agents and enhance their productivity by leveraging the power of generative AI productivity tools. Provide your agents with the right information at the right time, enabling them to resolve customer inquiries more efficiently.

Enhance the efficiency of your customer support operations by automating routine tasks using knowledge base portals and self-service virtual agents. Enable your customers to find answers to questions quickly and easily, freeing your support agents to focus on the more complex and critical tasks.

Enhance the efficiency of your customer support operations by automating routine tasks using knowledge base portals and self-service virtual agents. Enable your customers to find answers to questions quickly and easily, freeing your support agents to focus on the more complex and critical tasks.

Deliver faster and more proactive customer service by engaging customers on their preferred communication channels. With real-time translation capabilities, communicate with your customers in their language, ensuring clear and effective communication.

Deliver faster and more proactive customer service by engaging customers on their preferred communication channels. With real-time translation capabilities, communicate with your customers in their language, ensuring clear and effective communication.

Gain valuable insights into the performance of your customer engagement center with intelligent analytics. By tracking the right KPIs, identify trends and opportunities to optimize your service delivery, enhance your customers’ experience, and improve customer satisfaction scores.

Gain valuable insights into the performance of your customer engagement center with intelligent analytics. By tracking the right KPIs, identify trends and opportunities to optimize your service delivery, enhance your customers' experience, and improve customer satisfaction scores.


Seamless implementation

Confiz proudly houses a team of 150+ certified Dynamics developers with extensive experience in over 100 Dynamics 365 rollouts. We excel in all Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service implementation aspects, including integration, customization, migration, and consulting services.

Comprehensive service offering

Confiz provides a range of services that go beyond implementation. With a strong focus on digital transformation, our team of experts guide you through the entire Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service journey. From initial setup and configuration to ongoing optimization and system maintenance, we are committed to helping you achieve your digital transformation goals.

Global reach

Confiz offers extensive global services, tailored to meet specific business needs irrespective of geographical location. Make the most of our proficiency in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service to effortlessly deploy the solution globally or enhance regional customer support operations.

Reliable 24/7 support

Enjoy peace of mind with our round-the-clock support services. Our dedicated support team is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring continuous system performance for Dynamics 365 Customer Service and resolving any issues promptly.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing

Dynamics 365 Customer Service is available as either an Enterprise or Professional user license, with several optional add-ins to meet your specific needs. You must choose between the two user licenses; both licenses can only be purchased if they are deployed in separate environments. Additionally, Customer Service Enterprise can be licensed by device. Explore more on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service pricing here.

Dynamics 365 Customer Service Professional Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise

$50 per user/month

Streamlined case management resources for agents and self-service in simpler scenarios.

$95 per user/month

Advanced AI-based customer service resources for agents and self-service for complex scenarios.
Case management checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Knowledge management (including knowledge authoring) checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Microsoft 365 interoperation checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Unlimited named users checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Leads (creation only) checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Microsoft Power BI checkmark-circle checkmark-circle
Microsoft Teams Integration checkmark-circle
Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service checkmark-circle
Embedded Intelligence checkmark-circle
Multisession support checkmark-circle
Unified routing checkmark-circle
Analytics and KPI reporting checkmark-circle
Forecasting and scheduling checkmark-circle
Custom applications (Microsoft Power Apps) checkmark-circle
Workflow automation (Microsoft Power Automate) checkmark-circle
Digital Messaging and Voice Add-in
Voice Add-in
Digital Messaging Add-in
Chat Add-in

Revolutionize Customer Support with Dynamics 365 Customer Service Demo

Dive into our Dynamics 365 Customer Service Demo to discover how you can transform your customer support. Enhance service experiences, manage requests efficiently, and foster customer loyalty. Utilize AI-driven insights and omnichannel capabilities to exceed customer expectations and achieve service excellence.

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Got more questions on?

We are here with answers!

What is Dynamics 365 customer service?

Dynamics 365 Customer Service is one of the modules of the customer relationship management (CRM) solution developed by Microsoft that enables organizations to manage and improve their customer service operations. 


With Dynamics 365 Customer Service, businesses can manage customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests from various channels, including email, phone, social media, and chat. The solution provides a centralized platform to track customer interactions, resolve issues quickly, and provide personalized service experiences. As you work with a Dynamics 365 Customer Service implementation partner to leverage the capabilities of the customer service module, your businesses will be able to deliver exceptional customer care and build long-term customer loyalty.

What are Dynamics 365 Customer Service features?

The key features of the Dynamics 365 Customer Service module include case routing and queue configuration, service level agreements, services scheduling, knowledge management, omnichannel engagement, and AI-powered insights. Overall, Dynamics 365 Customer Service is a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to deliver exceptional customer service experiences, build long-term customer relationships, and drive business growth. 

What is included in Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise version? 

Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise includes advanced customer service capabilities such as unlimited name users, case management, reporting and analytics, knowledge management, embedded intelligence, and application customizations.  

Is Dynamics 365 Customer Service available in the cloud?

Yes, Dynamics 365 Customer Service is available as a cloud-based solution. It can be accessed through the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, providing organizations with the flexibility and scalability of a cloud-based customer service management system. 

Does Dynamics 365 Customer Service have a trial version?

Yes, Dynamics 365 Customer Service provides a complimentary trial period of 30 days, enabling users to explore the application’s key features. Upon a swift registration process, users can gain access to essential features and can experiment with both sample data and their own customer data, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the app’s capabilities. 

What is the difference between Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Service?

Dynamics 365 Sales and Dynamics 365 Customer Service are modules of Microsoft’s cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) solution.  


Dynamics 365 Sales helps sales teams manage the sales process, from lead generation to opportunity management and closing deals. On the other hand, Dynamics 365 Customer Service capabilities focuses on assisting organizations in managing and improving their customer service operations. It provides a set of tools to enhance agents’ productivity, handle customer inquiries across multiple channels, including phone, email, chat, and social media and monitor the performance of customer engagement teams through built-in reporting and analytics. 

How do I access Dynamics 365 Customer Service?

To access the Customer Service module in Dynamics 365, you must have a valid license or a trial account. After ensuring that, you can access the customer service module by performing the following steps:

  1. Sign into your account
  2. Click on the app launcher icon in the upper left corner of your screen
  3. Choose Dynamics 365 from the list
  4. Hit the “Customer Service” app icon

What does embedded intelligence mean in Dynamics 365 Customer Service?

In Dynamics 365 Customer Service, embedded intelligence refers to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities directly within the application. It enables the system to analyze data, provide intelligent insights, and automate processes to enhance customer service interactions. This includes features such as sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, case routing, and recommended knowledge articles, all aimed at improving customer engagement and optimizing support operations. 

How does Dynamics 365 Customer Service ensure data privacy and protect sensitive customer information?

In Dynamics 365 Customer Service, customer data is securely stored and encrypted both at rest and in transit. Access controls and authentication mechanisms are in place to ensure that only authorized individuals can access and manage the data. Microsoft also provides tools and features to help customers meet their compliance requirements, including data retention policies, audit logs, and data subject rights management. 

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