Abdul Wakeel
Saqib Tiwana, Senior Director Human Resource organized Brown Bag sessions to understand employee concerns and address. Brown Bag sessions are informal meetings that give employees an opportunity to speak directly and candidly with the senior management and voice their concerns.
Emphasizing the importance of such events, Confiz Senior Director Human Resource Saqib Tiwana said, “The management at Confiz highly values employee feedback and takes it seriously. The company recognizes employees as the core pillar of the organization and focuses on resolving any professional issues they face while working at the office.”

“The Brown Bag sessions help us get in touch with employees and provide employees with a platform to directly discuss their concerns with the management. We believe that our employees take care of the work and we, in return, must take care of them,” he added.
During the event, tips on achieving a proper work-life balance were discussed. There was also a Q/A session where employees were encouraged to ask questions and rest their concerns.
Confiz will continue to have Brown Bag sessions with small groups of employees to discuss distinct aspects of their work life.