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Improve customer satisfaction with Dynamics 365 omnichannel for customer service


Did you know more than two-thirds of all purchases are being made with some digital device? Consumers browse products through their smartphones and buy in-store, from a desktop, or their smartwatch. They want to shop from their preferred channel as and when they like. Harvard Business Review conducted research and observed the shopping behaviors of […]

How to use footfall analytics to improve customer service?


Footfall analytics leverages the latest technology to count and track customers in your retail stores. It provides deep insights into customer psychology, preferred shopping hours, customer hotspots in your store, etc. The data collected from store counters or people counting solutions can be used to improve customer experience in retail.   Footfall analytics impact on […]

How to grow your revenue with good customer service


Many retailers believe customer service to be an overhead of doing business, but if this were the case then cost reduction would be the best approach to improving your ROI (return on investment). Thankfully, this is not the case. Customer service comes with value-added activities that help businesses retain more customers. If used strategically, customer […]